

Die rätselhaftesten Kriminalfälle Deutschlands


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Geheimakte 1972


Christoph Lemmer

August 2022

Episode 6 - ENGLISH

Gertrud Lauterbach und der Überfall


Stimmen: Station Voice (Markus Kästle)

Stimmen: Terrorist Samer (Chris Dutertry)

Stimmen: Terrorist Al Dnawy (Lenny Peteanu)

Stimmen: Terrorist Badran (Philipp Allar)

Stimmen: Gertrud Lauterbach (Lisa-Marie Köster)

Stimmen: Ankie Spitzer (Cordula Senfft)

Stimmen: Kriminalermittler (Stephan Lehmann)

Stimmen: Mika Slavin (Josy Schreiter)

Stimmen: Leindecker (Kevin Jackson)

Stimmen: Sokolsky (Simon Nappenbach)

Stimmen: Don Alon (Gerrit Kohr)

Stimmen: Postler Gottelt (Markus Pöpperl)

Stimmen: Postler Thomas Arno (Fidelius Franek)

Stimmen: Heyduck (Hendrik Daum)

Stimmen: Christoph

Stimmen: Gertrud Lauterbach is a German criminal detective in the city of Iserlohn, state of Northrhine Westfalia. In the summer of 1972 her office delegates her to join the staff of the olympic games in Munich.At that time she is 36 years old. She works as what is so called an Olympic hostess. Part of her duties is to walk inspection rounds through the olympic village.During the night from September 4th to September 5th she has to work and takes on her light blue costume uniform.

Stimmen: Lauterbach

Stimmen: My shift had already started the day before at 11 pm.

Stimmen: Christoph

11 pm. Exactly the same time: the terrorists in the Hotel Augsburg in Munich receive their weapons. They got their last briefing. They meet in the Hotel room number 12. We have talked about in our last episode within our podcast series Geheimakte 1972.One hour later, around midnight, Israeli fencer André Spitzer arrives in Munich. Back from his short trip to the Netherlands, where he met his wife Ankie. He came by train which he nearly missed in the Netherlands.

11 pm. Exactly the same time: Ankie

11 pm. Exactly the same time: 10_Ankie_Call Midnight 0430 Pallis.mp30’59

Er rief mich um Mitternacht an. Es gab damals ja nur Münztelefone. Er sagte: Ich habe nur zwei Mark, wir müssen schnell sprechen. Ich fragte: Hast die die anderen aus Deinem Team gesehen? Er sagte, nein, die waren bei einer Vorstellung in München, Fiddler On the Roof, aber ich denke, die kommen bald zurück. Wir reden ein bisschen, dann sagte er, ich habe nur noch 50 Pfennige übrig. Er sagte, Ankie, ich liebe Dich, ich rufe Dich morgen an. Das war das letzte Mal, dass ich mit ihm gesprochen habe. Das Team kam tatsächlich eine Stunde später zurück. Sie saßen noch zusammen und quatschen bis 2 Uhr nachts. Dann gingen sie schlafen. Es gab fünf Apartments für die Mannschaft, nebeneinander. Jeder ging in sein Apartment schlafen. Und dann, um 4 Uhr 30 am Morgen kamen palästinensische Terroristen ins Dorf und ins Gebäude der Israelis.

Er rief mich um Mitternacht an. Es gab damals ja nur Münztelefone. Er sagte: Ankie

Er rief mich um Mitternacht an. Es gab damals ja nur Münztelefone. Er sagte: 11_Ankie_Happy He Safely.mp30’22

Er rief mich um Mitternacht an. Es gab damals ja nur Münztelefone. Er sagte: Christoph

Er rief mich um Mitternacht an. Es gab damals ja nur Münztelefone. Er sagte: Als Sie telefoniert hatten, was haben Sie dann gemacht?

Er rief mich um Mitternacht an. Es gab damals ja nur Münztelefone. Er sagte: Ankie

Er rief mich um Mitternacht an. Es gab damals ja nur Münztelefone. Er sagte: Na ja, es war Mitternacht. Ich wusste, dass er wohlbehalten angekommen war. Also bin ich ins Bett gegangen. Das Baby war noch im Krankenhaus, aber ich war im Haus meiner Eltern, ich ging zu Bett und war froh, dass alles geklappt hatte und der wohlbehalten angekommen war.

Er rief mich um Mitternacht an. Es gab damals ja nur Münztelefone. Er sagte: Christoph

2: 30 in the morning. The terrorists in the Hotel Augsburg get ready to leave. Terrorist Samer remembers when later interrogated by the German police:

2: Samer

2: The first group left around two thirty. This was Tony’s group. The second followed about then minutes later. We got into a taxi. We took our bags with us into the passenger cabin. Issa told the driver where to go. He was talking with him in German. I didn’t understand what he said. Then we rode to the olympic area, but close to it, only, not entering it.

2: Christoph

Breaking up at 2: 30 according to Samer’s memory. The other marked the time of departure a bit later, around 3 o’clock. The taxi ride, then the walk to the gate to the olympic area – it is around 4 pm when the bloody attack against the Israeli olympic team begins.

Breaking up at 2: INTRO

Breaking up at 2: 1972-THEMA IN MOLL, ALS BETT UNTER INTRO

Breaking up at 2: VOICE

Breaking up at 2: Geheimakte 1972 – das Olympia-Attentat in München.


Breaking up at 2: Hallo Tunis! Wir haben die israelische Mannschaft in unserer Gewalt.

Breaking up at 2: MIKA

Breaking up at 2: GA OA Mika No Politicians Sports CUT.mp30’6

Breaking up at 2: VOICE

Breaking up at 2: Die ganze Geschichte – investigativ recherchiert.

Breaking up at 2: Bisher unveröffentlichtes Material.

Breaking up at 2: ANKIE

Breaking up at 2: GA OA Ankie Journalist Lemmer P2 CUT.mp3

Breaking up at 2: FADE AUF 1972-THEMA DUR

Breaking up at 2: VOICE

Breaking up at 2: Geheimakte 1972.

Ein Antenne-Bayern-Podcast ––– Episode 6: Gertrud Lauterbach und der Überfall

Ein Antenne-Bayern-Podcast ––– Episode 6: Story

Ein Antenne-Bayern-Podcast ––– Episode 6: Christoph

Welcome to the first out of three episodes about this day – September 5th, 1972. Sources for this episode are interrogation protocols, internal reports, planning sheets and timetables from within the police offices. This episode is being release at 4 o’clock on September 5th, 2022, exactly 50 years after the terrorist startet to invade the area of the olympic village. First of their tasks here: Assuring themselves that they reached the correct gate. The planners had providing them with the necessary detail.

Welcome to the first out of three episodes about this day – September 5th, 1972. Sources for this episode are interrogation protocols, internal reports, planning sheets and timetables from within the police offices. This episode is being release at 4 o’clock on September 5th, 2022, exactly 50 years after the terrorist startet to invade the area of the olympic village. First of their tasks here: Samer

Welcome to the first out of three episodes about this day – September 5th, 1972. Sources for this episode are interrogation protocols, internal reports, planning sheets and timetables from within the police offices. This episode is being release at 4 o’clock on September 5th, 2022, exactly 50 years after the terrorist startet to invade the area of the olympic village. First of their tasks here: There was a little hill and a tree. This was our meeting point. It was still dark night. But the place where we climbed over the fence was illuminated. There was a gate in the fence. Before we climbed over we watched the place for about ten minutes. We didn’t want to behave suspicious. We saw 7 to ten young men, maybe a woman amongst them. They came and climbed over the gate into the olympic village. We then waited for one more moment. Then we climbed over as well.

Welcome to the first out of three episodes about this day – September 5th, 1972. Sources for this episode are interrogation protocols, internal reports, planning sheets and timetables from within the police offices. This episode is being release at 4 o’clock on September 5th, 2022, exactly 50 years after the terrorist startet to invade the area of the olympic village. First of their tasks here: Christoph

But someone sees them. Men working for the postal service on their way to their morning shift. The police fails to ask the witnesses timely although they reported to their supervisor what they saw. And the supervisor calls the police immediately after. It was 6 o’clock in the evening. The assault was completely out of control when someone of the leading staff remembered that were witnesses who saw the terrorists climb over the fence. This was the time when the employees of the postal service where interrogated first time. And this is what one of them, Heinz Peter Gottelt, told them:

But someone sees them. Men working for the postal service on their way to their morning shift. The police fails to ask the witnesses timely although they reported to their supervisor what they saw. And the supervisor calls the police immediately after. It was 6 o’clock in the evening. The assault was completely out of control when someone of the leading staff remembered that were witnesses who saw the terrorists climb over the fence. This was the time when the employees of the postal service where interrogated first time. And this is what one of them, Heinz Peter Gottelt, told them: Gottelt

But someone sees them. Men working for the postal service on their way to their morning shift. The police fails to ask the witnesses timely although they reported to their supervisor what they saw. And the supervisor calls the police immediately after. It was 6 o’clock in the evening. The assault was completely out of control when someone of the leading staff remembered that were witnesses who saw the terrorists climb over the fence. This was the time when the employees of the postal service where interrogated first time. And this is what one of them, Heinz Peter Gottelt, told them: Usually we are seven men being commuted by a bus at 3.40 in the morning from our dormitory to the Olympic Center. This was the case as well today, September 5th, 1972. Usually we are arriving there five to ten minutes after 4 o’clock. Should have been the same today. We then went over the Kolehmainenweg in western direction and then turned right on the Kusoczinskidamm and further to the entrance of the Olympic Center.

But someone sees them. Men working for the postal service on their way to their morning shift. The police fails to ask the witnesses timely although they reported to their supervisor what they saw. And the supervisor calls the police immediately after. It was 6 o’clock in the evening. The assault was completely out of control when someone of the leading staff remembered that were witnesses who saw the terrorists climb over the fence. This was the time when the employees of the postal service where interrogated first time. And this is what one of them, Heinz Peter Gottelt, told them: We just wanted to get over the bridge that leads to this entrance. Two of us already hat entered the bridge, I don’ remember, who. However, I then heard a noice from the right hand side behind me. It came from the Olympic village, originated by a gate in a fence that was locked up. When I looked at it I saw people climbing over that gate. At first sight they were 5 or 6 men. One of them did not climb over. He went away to the right side of the gate and then southbound behind a shrub at a little hill. This first group of 5 or 6 men had just finished climbing over when this men returned from behind the shrub accompanied bei another 5 or 6 men. These men then also climbed over the gate. The aforementioned man helped them as he did for the first group. He helped them by picking bags, light color, maybe white, like sports bags. They were 50 to 60 centimeters long. When they climbed over there was a rattling noise from the gate. It took a while until all of them where on the other side. I did not hear them talking. When I saw them I was 35 to 40 meters away from them. It was not full day light yet but also not fully dark anymore. I would describe it as dawn. So it was impossible to recognize further detail with the men. I can’t say how they exactly looked like or what clothes they wore.

But someone sees them. Men working for the postal service on their way to their morning shift. The police fails to ask the witnesses timely although they reported to their supervisor what they saw. And the supervisor calls the police immediately after. It was 6 o’clock in the evening. The assault was completely out of control when someone of the leading staff remembered that were witnesses who saw the terrorists climb over the fence. This was the time when the employees of the postal service where interrogated first time. And this is what one of them, Heinz Peter Gottelt, told them: Christoph

But the terrorists realize that someone looks at them. Terrorist Samer:

But the terrorists realize that someone looks at them. Terrorist Samer: Samer

But the terrorists realize that someone looks at them. Terrorist Samer: From outside the fence someone watched us. I think they were three men. I remember that one of them was making a joking remark when we were climbing over.

But the terrorists realize that someone looks at them. Terrorist Samer: Christoph

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified:

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: Thomas Arno

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: I didn’t really care about these men so I didn’t watch closer and don’t remember detail. But I was asking myself whey there entering the village this way. Why they didn’t enter it through the main entrance. To me they were sports people, living in the village, coming home late. Jokingly we taught to each otters that these guys wouldn’t win any medals this day.

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: 1972 thema Moll

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: Al Dnawy

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: After getting on the area we went to the house where the Israelis lived. Issa went first. Tony with his group had already reached the house. When we entered Issa went in first.

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: Christoph

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: Tony’s vanguard already had cleared the situation.

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: Al Dnawy

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: In the dormitory of the Israelis the weapons where handed out. They were in a big bag. I assume that Tony and his people smuggled in the bag in advance. They hat been in 10 minutes earlier then us.

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: Samer

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: In this house there is a stairway. There wie took the weapons out of the bags und made them ready for shooting. We loaded them though so that there was a bullet in the barrel.

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: Christoph

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: At the same time Gertrud Lauterbach finishes her break.

Which is the case, in fact. There were three postal employees. And one of them makes a joke about these men climbing over fence’s gate. One other of these three testified: Lauterbach

On Tuesday, September 5, 1972, at around 4: 45 a.m., I left our staff lounge along with the area manager for the Olympic Village to go on night patrol. Together with Mr. Ludwig, I went to the Women's Village for a patrol.

On Tuesday, September 5, 1972, at around 4: Christoph

On Tuesday, September 5, 1972, at around 4: After entering the house where the Israeli men are accommodated the terrorists have to orientate first. There is one information they received from their planners which turnes out being false. An important one.

On Tuesday, September 5, 1972, at around 4: Samer

On Tuesday, September 5, 1972, at around 4: When we all were standing together at the bottom of the stairs Issa went up to the upper floor without bag or weapon. He returned after two or three minutes and told Tony that the Israelis didn’t reside in the fourth floor. The people there were from Hongkong.Then Tony went up, as well without weapon or bag. When he came back he said that the Israelis lived on the first floor. He said their names were written on the doors.

On Tuesday, September 5, 1972, at around 4: Aktenstimme

On the wall at the eastern side opposite to the elevator there is another door to an apartment. In the upper third part of the door the number 1 is written on and underneath a door viewer. On the right side of the door viewer there are blue stickers with names on them as follows: AMIZOR SHAPIRA

On the wall at the eastern side opposite to the elevator there is another door to an apartment. In the upper third part of the door the number 1 is written on and underneath a door viewer. On the right side of the door viewer there are blue stickers with names on them as follows: MOSHE WEINBERG

On the wall at the eastern side opposite to the elevator there is another door to an apartment. In the upper third part of the door the number 1 is written on and underneath a door viewer. On the right side of the door viewer there are blue stickers with names on them as follows: ANDREI SPITZER

On the wall at the eastern side opposite to the elevator there is another door to an apartment. In the upper third part of the door the number 1 is written on and underneath a door viewer. On the right side of the door viewer there are blue stickers with names on them as follows: KAAT SCHOR

On the wall at the eastern side opposite to the elevator there is another door to an apartment. In the upper third part of the door the number 1 is written on and underneath a door viewer. On the right side of the door viewer there are blue stickers with names on them as follows: TUWIA SOKOLSKY

On the wall at the eastern side opposite to the elevator there is another door to an apartment. In the upper third part of the door the number 1 is written on and underneath a door viewer. On the right side of the door viewer there are blue stickers with names on them as follows: Samer

On the wall at the eastern side opposite to the elevator there is another door to an apartment. In the upper third part of the door the number 1 is written on and underneath a door viewer. On the right side of the door viewer there are blue stickers with names on them as follows: After he found this out he assigned Abu Alala and myself as surveillance posts in the basement and went up with the others.

On the wall at the eastern side opposite to the elevator there is another door to an apartment. In the upper third part of the door the number 1 is written on and underneath a door viewer. On the right side of the door viewer there are blue stickers with names on them as follows: Christoph

One of these others is the terrorist Badran. Badran as well is one of these three terrorists who survived and have been arrested and interrogated by the police. He testifies:

One of these others is the terrorist Badran. Badran as well is one of these three terrorists who survived and have been arrested and interrogated by the police. He testifies: Badran

One of these others is the terrorist Badran. Badran as well is one of these three terrorists who survived and have been arrested and interrogated by the police. He testifies: We were four and we went to the door with the number one. We were Issa, Tony, myself and another comrade I don’t quite remember. Maybe it was Darwish. Issa rang the door bell several times. After a while an Israeli opened the door just a crack. When he saw us he wanted to close the door again immediately, but he couldn’t because Issa placed his gun barrel into the gap.

One of these others is the terrorist Badran. Badran as well is one of these three terrorists who survived and have been arrested and interrogated by the police. He testifies: Christoph

One of these others is the terrorist Badran. Badran as well is one of these three terrorists who survived and have been arrested and interrogated by the police. He testifies: It is Moshe Weinberg, who braces himself against the door, a wrestler and wrestling referee at the Olympics. Badran

We couldn’t push the door open because this Israeli was a very strong wrestler and also could lean against the opposite wall. At the same time he was shouting out something. A second came and helped keeping the door closed. Because of the noise our comrades from the basement came running up and helped us pushing the door open. We didn’t succeed, so Issa gave order: Shoot. Tony then shot through the door.

We couldn’t push the door open because this Israeli was a very strong wrestler and also could lean against the opposite wall. At the same time he was shouting out something. A second came and helped keeping the door closed. Because of the noise our comrades from the basement came running up and helped us pushing the door open. We didn’t succeed, so Issa gave order: Christoph

To be correct: It is a shot out of the gun whose barrel is sticking between door and door frame.

To be correct: Badran

To be correct: The shot injured the Israeli’s cheek or neck. Now they let the door and we could enter the apartment. While Samer remained in the basement as he was ordered to guard the house entrance I watched the entrance on the ground floor. The other six of us were storming the apartment.

To be correct: Christoph

One of the Israelis escapes: Tuvia Sokolovsky, weight lifter’s coach. He smashes a window and fleas over the terrace. Here is how Sokolovsky remembers.

One of the Israelis escapes: Sokolowsky

I was roused from sleep around 4 am. I jumped out of bed and ran into the apartments lobby dressed in my pajama. I saw Mr Gutfreund to lean against the apartment door wich someone from the outside was about to push open violently. The door war already open for a small gap against the door frame. I saw a gun barrel through the gap.Mr. Gutfreund leaned against the intruder and shouted: „Friends, get away!“ So I ran back into my room and opened the window. Mr. Springer closed our room door and blocked it by moving the bed against the door. At this moment I heard a series of shootings. I heard a hard hit against the apartment door and a sudden cry. I could identify who cried. I went outside through the opened window. There I met a German soldier wearing a barrett on his head with a patch displaying a tank on it. I told this soldier that we had been assaulted. Together with him we went to a room in which two Koreans where living. Since I was barefoot I slipped into a pair of bathing slippers. The soldier picked up the phone and tried to call the police but didn’t get a connection.

I was roused from sleep around 4 am. I jumped out of bed and ran into the apartments lobby dressed in my pajama. I saw Mr Gutfreund to lean against the apartment door wich someone from the outside was about to push open violently. The door war already open for a small gap against the door frame. I saw a gun barrel through the gap.Mr. Gutfreund leaned against the intruder and shouted: Akzent

I was roused from sleep around 4 am. I jumped out of bed and ran into the apartments lobby dressed in my pajama. I saw Mr Gutfreund to lean against the apartment door wich someone from the outside was about to push open violently. The door war already open for a small gap against the door frame. I saw a gun barrel through the gap.Mr. Gutfreund leaned against the intruder and shouted: Sokolovsky

I was roused from sleep around 4 am. I jumped out of bed and ran into the apartments lobby dressed in my pajama. I saw Mr Gutfreund to lean against the apartment door wich someone from the outside was about to push open violently. The door war already open for a small gap against the door frame. I saw a gun barrel through the gap.Mr. Gutfreund leaned against the intruder and shouted: I was so excited that I don’t remember further detail. In this apartment I locked myself in the toilet for about an hour. Before I locked myself up in the toilet I heard more shooting. The German soldier told me to remain in this apartment. He returned around 5 o’clock, identified himself and then said it was all okay now. German police had arrived. But the Arabs hat occupied the whole building and I shouldn’t leave the apartment for the time being.

I was roused from sleep around 4 am. I jumped out of bed and ran into the apartments lobby dressed in my pajama. I saw Mr Gutfreund to lean against the apartment door wich someone from the outside was about to push open violently. The door war already open for a small gap against the door frame. I saw a gun barrel through the gap.Mr. Gutfreund leaned against the intruder and shouted: Christoph

This uniformed soldier is named Raoul Leindecker. At that time he is 20 years old, working as a waiter and doing army service. The army ordered him to the Olympic games as a driver. He was on duty driving the team of Bahamas. He just came back to the Olympic village after bringing two delegates of the Bahamas team to the airport. Leindecker testifies:

This uniformed soldier is named Raoul Leindecker. At that time he is 20 years old, working as a waiter and doing army service. The army ordered him to the Olympic games as a driver. He was on duty driving the team of Bahamas. He just came back to the Olympic village after bringing two delegates of the Bahamas team to the airport. Leindecker testifies: Leindecker

I arrived in the Olympic village around 4.15 in the morning and went into Conollystraße number 21. I parked the car in the basement garage. Then I went to the building and rang the door bell. I waited until the door was opened. At this moment a smaller man came close saying he was Israeli. He spoke broken German, only. He repeatedly said: Shooting, shooting, my friend dead. Call police! He asked me to follow him to the house in which the members of the Korean team were accommodated. He must have rang the door bell there before because one of the doors stood open. On my request I was allowed to pick up the phone and call the police. I told the officers what the Israeli said to me, that his friend was shot. The officer said he wold go after my notice. Since the man didn’t want to go with me I left him in the house of the Koreans and went to the house number 31 alone. Here the door into the house was standing open as well. I went in but when I came near to the apartment door next a man with a machine gun came and shouted in English: Stand still, don’t come in, geht out!. Since I didn’t follow immediately he twice pushed the gun’s barrel into my stomach. I then went out backwards and closed the house door after leaving.

I arrived in the Olympic village around 4.15 in the morning and went into Conollystraße number 21. I parked the car in the basement garage. Then I went to the building and rang the door bell. I waited until the door was opened. At this moment a smaller man came close saying he was Israeli. He spoke broken German, only. He repeatedly said: Christoph

I arrived in the Olympic village around 4.15 in the morning and went into Conollystraße number 21. I parked the car in the basement garage. Then I went to the building and rang the door bell. I waited until the door was opened. At this moment a smaller man came close saying he was Israeli. He spoke broken German, only. He repeatedly said: Meanwhile in the Israeli apartment. One of the hostages, Moshe Weinberg, offes resistance against the intruders.

I arrived in the Olympic village around 4.15 in the morning and went into Conollystraße number 21. I parked the car in the basement garage. Then I went to the building and rang the door bell. I waited until the door was opened. At this moment a smaller man came close saying he was Israeli. He spoke broken German, only. He repeatedly said: Samer

I arrived in the Olympic village around 4.15 in the morning and went into Conollystraße number 21. I parked the car in the basement garage. Then I went to the building and rang the door bell. I waited until the door was opened. At this moment a smaller man came close saying he was Israeli. He spoke broken German, only. He repeatedly said: When I asked Abu Alala what happened he said that this Israeli who had tried to keep the door closed was hit by a bullet, injured and died. He explained to me that he – Abu Alala – at that moment not only held his machine gun in one hand but as well Issas in the other hand. Inside the apartment this Israel attacked him but he was not able to shoot because of holding the two machine guns. One of the comrades then shot at him. Later I learned that it was Darwish who shot against the Israeli.

I arrived in the Olympic village around 4.15 in the morning and went into Conollystraße number 21. I parked the car in the basement garage. Then I went to the building and rang the door bell. I waited until the door was opened. At this moment a smaller man came close saying he was Israeli. He spoke broken German, only. He repeatedly said: Christoph

All this noise teared the other sportsmen from sleep. One of them: the fencer Dan Along.

All this noise teared the other sportsmen from sleep. One of them: Dan Alon

All this noise teared the other sportsmen from sleep. One of them: There was already daylight when I awoke due to noise in the house. At first I thought that the guys from southern America living on the floor above us were making party. My teammate Jehuda woke up as well. We looked at each other and tried to continue sleeping. But some minutes later I heard a shot that sounded as if fired above our apartment. But I could hardly believe that someone could have shot here so I thought I was dreaming this.

All this noise teared the other sportsmen from sleep. One of them: Christoph

All this noise teared the other sportsmen from sleep. One of them: But it’s not a dream. It’s real. And the shooting continues. It is to be heard in the outside as well. Gertrud Lauterbach while patrolling the women’s village hears it as well.

All this noise teared the other sportsmen from sleep. One of them: Lauterbach

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: 10 am; it may have been two volleys of 3 to 4 shots or three to four individual shots. At that moment we were‘nt sure if they were actually gunshots. We then proceeded to Gate 30 to enter the men's village.There at the gate, the connection point from the women's to the men's village, we asked the guard from the security service if he had made similar observations. He said no. Since he was sitting in a guardhouse behind a high apartment block, this is quite understandable. He did, however, say that he had overheard radio transmissions reporting a shooting in the vicinity of the DOZ building. We then proceeded to the Conolly Street, where we met the section leader of Group C, Mr. Müller. He asked us to go with him, since he had been told that there had been a shooting in the building at Conolly Street 31.

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Christoph

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Meanwhile at the basement door. Terrorist Badran still holds his position there. He doesn’t witness what’s going on into apartment number 1.

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Badran

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: After 3 minutes Issa and Abu Alala left the apartment and said they have met 7 Isralis inside. But one of them escaped backwards over the terrace. Issa said also that all hostages had been tied up except the one who was injured.

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Christoph

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: 7 hostages only. Not enough. Issa wants more.

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Badran

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Issa asked the Israeli where the other Israelis have been accommodated. He promised the injured let go to a hospital if he showed us the way. Issa spoke in English to the Israelis. After this conversation the Israeli guided us to the next doors.

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Christoph

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: The next Israelian apartment on their way was number 2. Issa wants to go in. But Weinberg allegedly tells him there where no Israelis in there. Which is false. Why he so said – if he did – never has been cleared. Possibly he thought that his team mates from apartment number 3 where better able to fight the terrorists then those in number 2. In number 3 there are the wrestlers. Fighters who he coaches.

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Badran

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: At this door now Issa rang the bell. Someone looked down from a window in the first floor. He looked frightened when he saw his injured fellow citizen. His name was Mark.

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Christoph

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: This certain Mark – this is Mark Slavin. He ist 18 years old and the youngest in the Israeli team. We learned about his live in the fourth episode of this podcast series. And the reason why Mark looks frightened is pretty obvious. His fellow citizen down there with his bleedings wounds is someone he knows very well. It’s his own coach, Moshe Weinberg.

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Badran

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Issa spoke to the Israeli at the window in German language. Then another Israeli came to the house door and opened it. While we were standing in front of the house we were hiding our machine guns aside or behind us. Now we intruded the apartment with arms in the ready. Abu Alala and myself remained downstairs with the wounded Israeli and the one who opened the door. Issa went up the rounded stairs on his own.

On the way to Gate 29, we heard muffled gunshot-like sounds from the men's village at around 05: Christoph

Shortly to explain: all of the apartments have two floors. There are stairs outside the apartments to get to the apartments. And there are rounded stairs within the apartments to get from the rooms on one floor to the rooms on the other.

Shortly to explain: He forced the Israelis in the upper floor to step down. They 6 or 6. Now we were leading the captured Israelis and the injured back into the first house. Abu Alala went first, followed by the Israelis, then Issa and myself. Then the Israelis went down the stairs although no one had told them so. Issa shouted at them to come up again. But one or two took the chance and escaped through the basement level.

Shortly to explain: Christoph

Another remark on the situation: The houses are built against a wall. The front door is on the first upper floor. The ground level on the back side is the basement level with the parking lots. So what happened here: The entered the house through the front door and the hostages just went down the stairs to the basement level. Which was their chance to escape.

Another remark on the situation: Badran

Another remark on the situation: One or two of them escaped through the basement to the parking lots. Samer didn’t shoot after them.

Another remark on the situation: Christoph

Another remark on the situation: A mistake the terrorists made. Samer testified that Issa critisized him for this.

Another remark on the situation: Samer

Another remark on the situation: Out of these seven Israelis three came down the stairs, passed Abu Alala and then my position. They were already at the door and I thought this was our intention. So I let it happen. When the Israelis passed my position Issa shouted we should sent them upstairs again. At this moment one of them already opened the door und went out. I focused at what Abu Alala did and the Israeli took this opportunity. I could have stepped outside and shoot after him but I didn’t because the Israeli was already out. The other two Israelis returned upstairs on they own where Issa took them. Later he asked how it could happen that an Israeli could escape. I told him what happened and he said I should better take care next time.

Another remark on the situation: Christoph

Another remark on the situation: And just this moment when it gets more difficult policemen come closer.

Another remark on the situation: Badran

Another remark on the situation: Already when Issa and Abu Alala led the second group of Israelis into the apartment and when I watched the house entrance suddenly a civilian came to the door. He had an olympic Symbol patched to the right pocket of his jacket.

Another remark on the situation: Christoph

Another remark on the situation: This civilian is a police man, as confirmed in a file notice.

Another remark on the situation: Aktenstimme

Police officer A. tried to open the door into the house Conollystraße 31, stairway 1 und step into the not illuminates stairway. After opening the door completely und looking inside an unknown male with machine gun ready came closer und shouted: Away!

Police officer A. tried to open the door into the house Conollystraße 31, stairway 1 und step into the not illuminates stairway. After opening the door completely und looking inside an unknown male with machine gun ready came closer und shouted: Christoph

Which terrorist Badran describes from his perspective:

Which terrorist Badran describes from his perspective: Badran

In his right hand this man carried a pistol. He opened the door, firstly reached his hand with the pistol inside and then walked a bit into the entrance hall. I assume he was a police man because he was armed. At that time I stood on the stairs and got my machine gun ready and called: Out! Then he left through the house entrance.

In his right hand this man carried a pistol. He opened the door, firstly reached his hand with the pistol inside and then walked a bit into the entrance hall. I assume he was a police man because he was armed. At that time I stood on the stairs and got my machine gun ready and called: Akzent

In his right hand this man carried a pistol. He opened the door, firstly reached his hand with the pistol inside and then walked a bit into the entrance hall. I assume he was a police man because he was armed. At that time I stood on the stairs and got my machine gun ready and called: Christoph

In his right hand this man carried a pistol. He opened the door, firstly reached his hand with the pistol inside and then walked a bit into the entrance hall. I assume he was a police man because he was armed. At that time I stood on the stairs and got my machine gun ready and called: Meanwhile the situation in the apartment becomes critical. The injured Moshe Weinberg attacks one of the terrorists and beats him. He catches a fruit knife and hits it against Issa. But he just cuts the breast pocket of his jacket. Again shooting, allegedly fired by Tony and Darwish. Moshe Weinberg collapses.

In his right hand this man carried a pistol. He opened the door, firstly reached his hand with the pistol inside and then walked a bit into the entrance hall. I assume he was a police man because he was armed. At that time I stood on the stairs and got my machine gun ready and called: Badran

In his right hand this man carried a pistol. He opened the door, firstly reached his hand with the pistol inside and then walked a bit into the entrance hall. I assume he was a police man because he was armed. At that time I stood on the stairs and got my machine gun ready and called: From my post at the entrance I heard several gunshots. To my memory it where three.

In his right hand this man carried a pistol. He opened the door, firstly reached his hand with the pistol inside and then walked a bit into the entrance hall. I assume he was a police man because he was armed. At that time I stood on the stairs and got my machine gun ready and called: Christoph

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Around 5.20.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Lauterbach

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: As we got closer to the house, I noticed that a window was opened on the upper floor of property No. 31. A little later, a man whose face was painted with a dark color and who wore sunglasses and a light straw hat became visible behind it. He beckoned us over and also asked us to come closer. When we arrived just in front of the entrance, he called down to us in good understandable German. Responding to our questions about what had happened, he said that shots had been fired and that we should call an ambulance. As my colleagues were discussing what to do, the man at the window became agitated and shouted down that someone should come to him to receive his demands. I then stood under the window and he lowered down one sheet of paper. However, since he still had other sheets in his hand, I asked him to throw down the rest of the sheets to me as well. After he had done this and I wanted to read what was written on it, I noticed that all 4 typewriter sheets were written in English. I then handed these sheets to a colleague and he handed me his walkie talkie. The man at the window asked us to act quickly, as time was running out. Since I was now in possession of a walkie talkie, the man turned to me and demanded that I finally call an ambulance. I followed his demand and ordered an ambulance. As my colleagues were still standing next to the entrance discussing what to do, the man at the window shouted at the men that they had to leave immediately, that he didn't want the police. He then closed the window and a little later he appeared in the front door armed with a machine gun. Again he demandend that we follow with his demands and call for an ambulance as soon as possible. While he demanded that all the men disappear – which for him was not happening fast enough - he insisted that I stay with him.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Christoph

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: This man who demands Gertrud Lauterbach to stay, this man is Issa, the leader. He then returns into the apartment.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Badran

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: 4 minutes later or so Issa and Abu Alala came to me at the entrance and said they wanted to get out the injured. Issa had a hand grenade in hand and had his face painted black.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Issa stayed at the entrance while I and Abu Alala went into the Israeli’s apartment and in there the rounded stairs on the first floor. Both of us and my friend Abd el Kader carried the injured Israeli downstairs to the entrance. On our way I realized that he was wounded at the stomach. He had a hand on the stomach. Abu Alala said he was hit there by a bullet.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: While we carried him Abu Alala told me what happened. He said this injures Israeli jumped at him on the first floor, took his machine gun with both hands and tried to pull it away. Accidentally he pulled the trigger and 1 or 2 shots were fired and hit another Israeli who was killed. Next Darwish or Tony fired against the Israeli and hit him in the stomach.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Christoph

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: This is what Badran sais. But the police investigator don’t believe all of it. This is how the interrogation goes on.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Kriminalermittler

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: What Abu Alala told can’t be true. The killed Israeli was hit by at least 7 bullets. There were also bullet holes in the wall next to where we found him. This indicates that he was not shot just by chance but intentionally and focused.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Badran

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: I cannot say anything other since I have not been there and did not see it with my eyes. Maybe that there more shots fired. But because of the fast bursts I only heard three. When we carried this other who was injured this is what Abu Alala told me about this incident, just the way I told you.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Kriminalermittler

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: When you carried this Israeli, who was in the face, at the neck and at the stomach - was he still alive at this time?

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Badran

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: When I went up and picked him up I thought he was dead. So I wanted to close his eye lids which frightened him, moved and made a noise.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Christoph

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: And as if all this isn’t enough Issa still wants more.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Badran

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Even before we had carried out the injured Issa wanted us to take more Israelis from the other houses. I warned him and said that the police war there. So he dropped this idea.When we arrived downstairs with the injured Israeli we carried him outside of the building and laid him down on the floor. Two men were coming right away with a stretcher who took him.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Christoph

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Same situation as testified by one of the officer who watched from the outside – including a macabre detail.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Heyduck

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: The leader then ordered his men to lay down the injured man on the pavement. The paramedics picked him up und carried him to the ambulance. There his death was detected. The paramedics refused to drive him away with the ambulance.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Christoph

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: While all this happened Gertrud Lauterbach holds her position at the entrance and continues talking to Issa.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Lauterbach

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: He demanded of all the men present that they now leave for good. He literally ordered me to stay. He even wanted me to follow him into the house. I told him that I would be more useful if I stayed in front oft he house because the walkie talkie had a better connection and I could communicate quicker if he wishes something. He agreed with that.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: In the conversation that followed, the Arab told me that they had about 20-25 Israeli hostages, who were tied up and would be shot if their demands were not met. I tried to calm him down. Between our conversations, he repeatedly went back into the house.I, however, remained next to the house, even if I moved back and forth from time to time. Here I noticed another man on the upper floor who was wearing a red sweater. This man was a lot younger, about 20 - 23 years old, he had black, curly hair, was without headgear and his face was not painted. I noticed that he was also carrying a weapon.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: Further away, I could observe another man on the 2nd floor in the open balcony door, who was also carrying a machine gun. I cant describe this man in any detail because he never came out of the door. During a conversation with the man at the door, I was able to briefly look into the stairwell and I noticed another Arab sitting there on the stairs. He also had dark hair and was dressed in dark colours. I didnt notice any camouflage on him.

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: 1972 Thema Moll, stehenlassen und zwischen den folgenden Sequenzen immer wieder hochziehen

Gertrude Lauterbach reaches the house Conollystraße 31. All in all it is less then one hour since the terrorists climbed over the fence. The time now: LauterBach

At around 06: 30, the Mayor Mr. Tröger arrived. I saw him coming from a distance, went to meet him and briefly informed him about what had happened so far. After that conversation Mr. Tröger left again.

At around 06: Christoph

Remark on mayor Tröger: Gertrud Lauterbach means the head of the olympic executional committee of Germany. He was partly kiddingly referred to as the mayor of the Olympic village.

Remark on mayor Tröger: 1972 Thema hoch

Remark on mayor Tröger: Lauterbach

Remark on mayor Tröger: From time to time, the previous leader of the conversation kept appearing at the door telling me to join him. Once he asked me about the athletes living in the opposite block, because they were all standing on their balconies watching the events. I told him that they were athletes from the GDR. He then said that they could follow their daily rountines and go to the competitions, because they had nothing against all athletes.

Remark on mayor Tröger: 1972 Thema hoch

Remark on mayor Tröger: Lauterbach

Remark on mayor Tröger: Then Mr. N. came by and told me the Munich police president Dr. Schreiber and the mayor Tröger were ready to negotiate with the terrorist’s leader. I called for him. When he appeared in the entrance Mr. N. informed him that the police president and the mayor of the Olympic village were ready for talks. He agreed talking to them. So Mr. N. went away again to tell the gentlemen. The Palestinian went into the house again.

Remark on mayor Tröger: Christoph

The police diary notes: 6.05 am, village mayor Tröger appears on site.

The police diary notes: Lauterbach

The police diary notes: After the men arrived, he came out again but had both hands behind his back. I could observe that he was holding an object in his hands, which I assumed was a grenade. After a short conversation about the ultimatum time, the men disappeared again. Now the spokesman beckoned me back. Because of his hand grenade, I approached him hesitantly and I asked him to put this thing away, because I was scared. However, he kept the hand grenade with him. Now I told him that I really wasn't in a good situation because I didn't have any cigarettes with me and I had run out of candy. He then offered me a cigarette, which I accepted. Before handing me the lighter, he put his hand grenade in his jacket pocket. While we stood there, he gave me more cigarettes and once he also handed me a banana, but demanded the peel back so that his fingerprints could not be taken from it.

The police diary notes: Akzent

The police diary notes: Christoph

The police diary notes: 7 o’clock in the Spitzer’s families house in the Netherlands.

The police diary notes: Ankie

The police diary notes: 12a_Ankie_Wake Up Phone Embassy He is Hostage.mp31’47

Am nächsten Morgen um 7 Uhr kamen meine Eltern in mein Schlafzimmer. Sie weckten mich und fragten: Ankie, wie viele Leute gehören zur israelischen Delegation? Ich öffnete meine Augen und meinte, keine Ahnung. 20, 22, 25, weiß nicht. Dann fragten sie: Wer ist der Box-Trainer? Ich sagte, da ist kein Box-Trainer. Israel hat keine Boxer bei den Spielen. Warum fragt Ihr das um 7 Uhr morgens? Meine Vater sagte, in den Nachrichten hätten sie über einen Anschlag auf das israelische Quartier im Olympiadorf berichtet. Ich fragte: Was war mit Box-Trainer, obwohl da gar keiner war. Sie sagten, sie hätten ihn getötet und vor dem Gebäude abgelegt. Ich sprang aus dem Bett und sagte, da war kein Box-Trainer, aber vielleicht war es der Fecht-Trainer und vielleicht André. Ich rannte runter. Diese Olympischen Spiele waren die ersten, die live übertragen wurden. Wir hatten sie im niederländischen Fernsehen, im Deutschen Fernsehen, im Radio, und ich ging nie weg von den Geräten und versuchte, alles zu sehen. Ich habe dann sofort den israelischen Botschafter in Holland angerufen. Ich sagte, vielleicht suchen Sie mich. Ich bin hier in Holland, nicht in Israel. Er sagte, wir wissen schon, dass Sie in Holland sind. Wir haben bereits Sicherheitsleute zum Haus Ihrer Eltern geschickt und auch zum Krankenhaus. Ich fragte, woher sie das wissen. Er sagte, wir wissen es und sie sind unterwegs. Ich fragte: Sind Sie sicher, daß André eine der Geiseln ist? Oder ist er entkommen? Er: Wissen wir noch nicht.

Am nächsten Morgen um 7 Uhr kamen meine Eltern in mein Schlafzimmer. Sie weckten mich und fragten: Akzent

Am nächsten Morgen um 7 Uhr kamen meine Eltern in mein Schlafzimmer. Sie weckten mich und fragten: Christoph

Outside of the building in Munich: Moshe Weinberg’s body still lying on the pavement.

Outside of the building in Munich: Aktenstimme

Outside of the building in Munich: File notice.

seven ten a.m.. Police officer reports: Red Cross special arrived, askes if they may enter site.

seven ten a.m.. Police officer reports: Christoph

seven ten a.m.. Police officer reports: Red Cross special – this is transport to pick up the dead body.

seven ten a.m.. Police officer reports: Aktenstimme

Seven sixteen a.m.: Red Cross special arriving.Seven twenty-five: Red Cross special drives away with the dead Israeli. Transportation sheet completed by criminal detective K.

Seven sixteen a.m.: Christoph

Meanwhile: Gertrund Lauterbach continues talking to Issa.

Meanwhile: Lauterbach

Meanwhile: During another conversation, he asked me about my profession. I replied that he surely knew what profession I had. He then he said that I must be working for the police. Asked about my duties, I said that I was currently on leave and did not perform any police duties here.

Meanwhile: Since he was now looking at me sharply, I explained to him that the female criminal investigators in Germany were mainly responsible for child and juvenile delinquency. With my explanation I wanted to make clear to him that there was a difference between the tasks of the female criminal investigators in Germany to those in Palestine, in order to counter his suspicion. He now came to talk about morality in Germany and expressed the opinion that it had fallen very low among young people.

Meanwhile: Akzent

Meanwhile: Lauterbach

Meanwhile: Every time he came out of the house again, he assured himself of every change on the Connolly street. he told me that he feared the police might launch an attack on the house at any given moment. In case of such an eventuality, he advised me to then move away as quickly as possible. At first there was only one man from the law enforcement agency in sight, whom he accepted.

Meanwhile: However, when several people in civilian clothes were gathered around this man, he became very nervous and said that these were not athletes even though I tried to calm him down. He then asked me to make sure that these people would disappear, because otherwise he would have to become violent, because he didnt want any police in the vicinity.

Meanwhile: Akzent

Meanwhile: Lauterbach

Meanwhile: Every now and then, the Arab would walk up to the corner of the house and look into the drive way to see what was going on around the corner. While doing that, he noticed a man standing in the doorway to the exit. That man stepped back when he saw the Arab, but he was visible through the glass door. After noticing this, the Arab told me to go up to the man and ask him to leave, because otherwise it would cost him his head. He said that he was certain that this man was from the police, because he had been standing there for a long time. I complied with the order and the police officer also withdrew. On this occasion, I told the sportsmen living there, who were standing on their balconies and around their apartments, that they could move freely.

Meanwhile: Akzent

Meanwhile: Lauterbach

Around 8: 25 a.m., my colleague Mrs. Graes took over for me. I introduced her to the Arab and told him that she would now stay with him instead of me. He agreed because I had already negotiated this with him beforehand. He also agreed to a further discussion with the chief of police and the mayor.

Around 8: 1972 Thema Moll, als Bett stehenlassen

Around 8: Christoph

Around 8: In the family Spitzer’s house the telephone rings. It’s the Embassy of Israel in the Netherlands.

Around 8: Ankie

Around 8: 12b_Ankie_Wake Up Phone Embassy He is Hostage.mp30’05Nicht overvoicen, sondern anschließen

Around 8: Um 9 Uhr riefen sie mich an und sagten, André ist unter den Geiseln.

Around 8: Christoph

Around 8: Same time in Israel.

Around 8: Mika

Around 8: 270_Mika_Mark First Fight Sept 5 10 am.mp30’10

Around 8: Meine Eltern wussten, daß Mark seinen ersten Ringkampf am 5. September um 10 Uhr hatte.

Around 8: File notice.

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: 20 men reinforcement arriving on site.

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: Gitarrenriff aus dem September-Song an das Musikbett montieren, 5 Tage und 2 Schläge (oder so, es soll zerstörerisch klingen) stehenlassen und dann hart weißes Rauschen dranschneiden. Rauchen ca 4 Sekunden stehenlassen, dann ebenfalls abschneiden.

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: Christoph

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: The war of nerves begins.

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: Kurze Stille

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: Christoph

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: Continued with the next episode.

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: OUTRO

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: You like this podcast? Consider writing a review, sharing it with your friends or clicking like or full five stars. You feel you have something to contribute? Contact me via email to

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: STINGER

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: VOICE

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: Geheimakte 1972 – das Olympia-Attentat in München. Ein ANTENNE BAYERN Podcast.

Eight twenty-eight a.m.: CLOSER

Über diesen Podcast

Der True Crime-Podcast der ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP.
Spannende Kriminalfälle, die als aufgeklärt gelten, aber noch immer viele Fragen aufwerfen.
Investigative Recherchen zu Themen, die ganz Deutschland bewegen.

Unsere Reporter recherchieren unnachgiebig, verfolgen neue Spuren und fangen da an, wo andere bereits aufgegeben haben.

Geheimakte - ein Podcast der ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP, ausgezeichnet mit dem deutschen Radiopreis.


The True Crime podcast of ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP.

Thrilling criminal cases that are considered solved, but still raise many questions.
Investigative research on topics that move the whole of Germany.
Our reporters relentlessly investigate, pursue new leads and start where others have already given up.

Geheimakte - an ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP-Podcast, awarded the German Radio Prize.

von und mit ANTENNE BAYERN


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