

Die rätselhaftesten Kriminalfälle Deutschlands


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Geheimakte 1972


Christoph Lemmer

Juni 2022

Episode 3

Abou Daoud - ENGLISCH


Stimmen: Station Voice (Markus Kästle)

Stimmen: Abu Daud (Djamil Deininger)

Stimmen: Aktenstimme (Sebastian Riechel)

Stimmen: Christoph

Stimmen: What do German neo-Nazis have to do with the Palestinian assassination attempt on the Israeli Olympic team?!

Stimmen: In this episode, we investigate this question, which at first glance seems rather absurd.

Stimmen: In search of answers, we uncover entanglements that reach into the highest political circles.

Stimmen: And we follow the trail of Abu Daud.

Stimmen: This Abu Daud flies from the Middle East to Germany a quarter of a year before the assassination.

Stimmen: Officially in his capacity as a lawyer.

His real mission, however, is quite different: Abu Daud is preparing a terrorist attack.

His real mission, however, is quite different: INTRO

His real mission, however, is quite different: 1972-THEMA IN MOLL, ALS BETT UNTER INTRO

His real mission, however, is quite different: VOICE

His real mission, however, is quite different: Geheimakte 1972 – das Olympia-Attentat in München.

His real mission, however, is quite different: TERRORIST TELEFONSTIMME

His real mission, however, is quite different: Hallo Tunis! Wir haben die israelische Mannschaft in unserer Gewalt.

His real mission, however, is quite different: MIKA

His real mission, however, is quite different: GA OA Mika No Politicians Sports CUT.mp30’6

His real mission, however, is quite different: VOICE

His real mission, however, is quite different: Die ganze Geschichte – investigativ recherchiert.

His real mission, however, is quite different: Bisher unveröffentlichtes Material.

His real mission, however, is quite different: ANKIE

His real mission, however, is quite different: GA OA Ankie Journalist Lemmer P2 CUT.mp3

His real mission, however, is quite different: FADE AUF 1972-THEMA DUR

His real mission, however, is quite different: VOICE

His real mission, however, is quite different: Geheimakte 1972.

Ein Antenne-Bayern-Podcast ––– Episode 3: Abu Daud.

Ein Antenne-Bayern-Podcast ––– Episode 3: Story

Ein Antenne-Bayern-Podcast ––– Episode 3: Christoph

Ein Antenne-Bayern-Podcast ––– Episode 3: Abou Daoud was born on the 16th of August, 1937 in Jerusalem. He died in July of 2010 in Damascus, Syria. His real name was Mohammed Daud Oudeh. He was the chief planner and mastermind behind the murderous attack against the Israelian Olympic team 1972 in Munich. And in this episode we unveil what mastermind literally means. However, at the beginning of this episode I just want to notify that we at Antenne Bayern produce this English version of our podcast series 1972 with our German personal only. Since we do not have English native speakers in our Munich team it may a bit like German English here or there. Please just take with a smile. Our priority was to open our podcast series to the international audience, in particular in Israel and for the families of the killed athletes. I assume that amongst you there will be some interest of listening to how a German an Bavarian media outlet handles this historical important crime with its enormous consequences for the present.

So, in this episode: What Abu Daoud do and how. And how did he try to justify his murderous work later in life. Ankie Spitzer, the wife of one of these murdered athletes, fencer André Spitzer, got in touch with him. It was him to approach her. I asked her about it.

So, in this episode: Ankie (alle overvoices muten)

So, in this episode: 152a_Ankie_ Abu Daoud Wants Meeting in Damaskus.mp3 03’02

So, in this episode: Christoph

So, in this episode: Hatten Sie jemals einen persönlichen Kontakt - Treffen, Schreiben, Anruf, was auch immer – mit Abu Daoud?

So, in this episode: Ankie

Abou Daoud – der lebte in Tunis, ging nach Tripolis, dann nach Damaskus und Amman. Ich habe seinen Weg verfolgt. Eines Tages entschied er sich, seine Autobiographie zu schreiben, zusammen mit einem Ghostwriter, dem französischen Journalisten Gilles Du Jonchay. Diese beiden haben mich nach Damaskus eingeladen. Ich hätte da auch hinreisen können, weil ich ja keine israelische Staatsangehörige bin. Ich habe einen niederländischen Pass und bin Journalistin. Ich habe gefragt, warum sollte ich nach Damaskus kommen? Sie haben geantwortet, Abou Daoud würde gern erklären, dass sie gar nicht verantwortlich waren für den Tod meines Mannes und der anderen Sportler. Ich fragte, wie er darauf komme. Er sagte, sie seien nur aus einem Grund gekommen. Sie wollten palästinensische Gefangene aus israelischen Gefängnissen freibekommen. Sie wollten verhandeln. Sie sind nicht gekommen, um zu töten. Ich sagte, wenn ihr nicht gekommen seid, um zu töten, warum kommt ihr dann mit Kalaschnikoffs, mit automatischen Waffen, mit Handgranaten, mit allen möglichen Waffen, mit Revolvern? Und wenn Ihr nicht zum Töten gekommen seid, warum habt ihr gleich am Anfang im Olympischen Dorf zwei Männer umgebracht? Gleich am Morgen um 4.30 Uhr, als ihr reingekommen seid und der erste tote Israeli wenig später tot vor dem Gebäude lag? Warum habt ihr in dem Zimmer, in dem ihr Eure Geiseln festhieltet, Josef Romano ermordet – und kastriert? Warum habt ihr die anderen gefoltert? Knochen gebrochen und so weiter? Also worüber reden Sie mit mir? Dann meinte er: Nein nein nein, das war nicht unser Plan. Die anderen neun hätten wir nicht getötet, nachdem die ersten zwei schon tot waren. Aber die Deutschen haben uns reingelegt. Sie haben uns gesagt, wir könnten mit unseren Geiseln aus Deutschland wegfliegen. Das haben sie nicht gehalten. Deutschland ist verantwortlich, nicht wir. Dann habe ich gesagt: Um mir das anzuhören soll ich nach Damaskus kommen? Er meinte: Ja, ich würde ihnen das gern persönlich sagen, damit sie wissen, dass das nicht unser Plan war. Ich sagte, wissen Sie was? Ich könnte mir schon vorstellen, nach Damaskus zu kommen. Vielleicht haben Sie schon einen Fotografen engagiert. Wahrscheinlich wartet Kaffee auf mich. Ich komme zu Ihnen ins Zimmer und der Fotograf schießt los – klick klick klick – und sie geben mir einen Kuss. Sind Sie verrückt geworden, zu glauben, dass ich das tue? Herr Abu Daoud, ich möchte Sie gerne treffen. Und wissen Sie, wo? Im Gericht in Israel. Da will ich sie treffen, nicht in Damaskus. Danke!

Abou Daoud – der lebte in Tunis, ging nach Tripolis, dann nach Damaskus und Amman. Ich habe seinen Weg verfolgt. Eines Tages entschied er sich, seine Autobiographie zu schreiben, zusammen mit einem Ghostwriter, dem französischen Journalisten Gilles Du Jonchay. Diese beiden haben mich nach Damaskus eingeladen. Ich hätte da auch hinreisen können, weil ich ja keine israelische Staatsangehörige bin. Ich habe einen niederländischen Pass und bin Journalistin. Ich habe gefragt, warum sollte ich nach Damaskus kommen? Sie haben geantwortet, Abou Daoud würde gern erklären, dass sie gar nicht verantwortlich waren für den Tod meines Mannes und der anderen Sportler. Ich fragte, wie er darauf komme. Er sagte, sie seien nur aus einem Grund gekommen. Sie wollten palästinensische Gefangene aus israelischen Gefängnissen freibekommen. Sie wollten verhandeln. Sie sind nicht gekommen, um zu töten. Ich sagte, wenn ihr nicht gekommen seid, um zu töten, warum kommt ihr dann mit Kalaschnikoffs, mit automatischen Waffen, mit Handgranaten, mit allen möglichen Waffen, mit Revolvern? Und wenn Ihr nicht zum Töten gekommen seid, warum habt ihr gleich am Anfang im Olympischen Dorf zwei Männer umgebracht? Gleich am Morgen um 4.30 Uhr, als ihr reingekommen seid und der erste tote Israeli wenig später tot vor dem Gebäude lag? Warum habt ihr in dem Zimmer, in dem ihr Eure Geiseln festhieltet, Josef Romano ermordet – und kastriert? Warum habt ihr die anderen gefoltert? Knochen gebrochen und so weiter? Also worüber reden Sie mit mir? Dann meinte er: Christoph

Plain text: Abou Daoud and his French ghostwriter just wanted to use Ankie as a mascot, lure her to damascus to shoot some nice pictures for the media hoping they would report about this staged meeting and feature his book.

Plain text: 1972-Thema in Dur

Plain text: Aktenstimme

Plain text: File notice. Detective department Munich police, investigative report. File signature K 142 – 87 [eightyseven] from 77 [seventyseven]. Investigation against Walli Saad alias Abu Daud for aid in murder and other crimes.

Plain text: Christoph

Short explanation here: In this file Abou Daoud is named with another alias name which is Walli Saad. In some files the officers wrote this alias as Walli Said. So you geht three different names minimum for this one person. Sometimes detectives use their own transcription to write the arabic name into their German language documents. Whenever possible we use Abu Daoud because this is his most common alias. However, in this document the officer used Walli Saad which we just keep as it is.

Short explanation here: Aktenstimme

Short explanation here: At the end of june Walli Saad traveled to Germany in charge of representing Udo Albrecht as a lawyer who was imprisoned in Austria and facing prosecution for possession of explosives. Walli Saad resided in the hotel Römischer Kaiser in Dortmund from June, 29th until July, 1st und from July, 7th unti l July, 10th, 1972. The hotel registration is available.

Short explanation here: Christoph

In fact, being an attorney was Abu Daouds real profession. This was testified by a former neighbor of him from Bagdad who had moved to Germany and lived here in 1972. Abu visited her as well during his stay in Germany, allegedly as part of his legend and not to catch attention. Back to the file notice:

In fact, being an attorney was Abu Daouds real profession. This was testified by a former neighbor of him from Bagdad who had moved to Germany and lived here in 1972. Abu visited her as well during his stay in Germany, allegedly as part of his legend and not to catch attention. Back to the file notice: Aktenstimnme

In the Munich Hotel Senefelder, located Munich 15, Senefelder Street Number 4, an Iraqi citizen names Walli Saad Edin had been registered as a guest two times: First from August, 8th, til August, 15th, and then from August, 23rd, til August, 25th.. On August, 25th, this Walli Saad moved into another Munich hotel which was the Eden-Hotel-Wolff, located Munich 2, Arnulfstreet Number 4 to 8. He received room number 130 during the afternoon after 2 pm. He left this hotel September, 5th, before noon and allegedly left the country as well.

In the Munich Hotel Senefelder, located Munich 15, Senefelder Street Number 4, an Iraqi citizen names Walli Saad Edin had been registered as a guest two times: Christoph

Okay. Abu Daouds travel schedule through Germany as far as it can be reconstructed from the files. During July he traveled through the German state of Northrhine Westfalia. Two times he spent a couple of days in a hotel in Dortmund, the city where Udo Albrecht lived. Then he traveled to Munich. During August stayed two times in a room in the Hotel Senefelder and afterwards for ten days in the Eden Hotel Wolff. There he left exactly the day when the terrorists had invaded the olympic village und held the Israelian athletes as their hostages. He left inconspicuous when all eyes and TV cameras focused to what happened in the olympic village. Which all was planned by him. Dortmund and Munich. Police investigators knew about his stays shortly after he left. Sources: hotel registration papers and testimonies of hotel personnel. What did he do? Whom did he meet?

Okay. Abu Daouds travel schedule through Germany as far as it can be reconstructed from the files. During July he traveled through the German state of Northrhine Westfalia. Two times he spent a couple of days in a hotel in Dortmund, the city where Udo Albrecht lived. Then he traveled to Munich. During August stayed two times in a room in the Hotel Senefelder and afterwards for ten days in the Eden Hotel Wolff. There he left exactly the day when the terrorists had invaded the olympic village und held the Israelian athletes as their hostages. He left inconspicuous when all eyes and TV cameras focused to what happened in the olympic village. Which all was planned by him. Dortmund and Munich. Police investigators knew about his stays shortly after he left. Sources: Aktenstimme

File notice. Phone calls: August, 27th at 8:21 pm and September, 2nd at 4:06 pm 6:49 pm and September 4th at 3:05 pm. phone number 55 56 2. This connection belongs to the Hotel Salzburg, Munich, Senefelder Street number 1. In this hotel two of the terrorists had been rent rooms at this time. Kartout Hamid, called Tony, between August, 8th and August, 25th. Alkhuri Iessa, called Issa, between August, 28th and September, 4th.

File notice. Phone calls: Christoph

File notice. Phone calls: Got it? This notice says that Abu Daoud stayed in a Munich hotel in the same street then the two operational leaders of the terrorist attack Issa and Tony whom we met in the previous episode. The police investigation found lists of phone calls. So they were able to reconstruct five calls originated by Abu Daoud to the hotel where Issa and Tony resided. Then Tony relocated into a private accommodation. His landlord reminded herself that there were two phone calls for him. She said they came from the Eden Hotel Wolff, the place where Abu Daoud stayed at this time. However, it was never layed open what in particular these men were talking about. But they did talk at all, that much is clear. But that’s not all, of course. There is more about what Abu Daoud has done. There is particularly one detail which is really thrilling. It’s about spying out the Olympic village. It’s very detailed. It highlights the power of the Palestinian terror organization force. It’s surprising. And it’s more then just allegation because the one, who talked about, is the mastermind himself. Abou Daoud.

File notice. Phone calls: Kurzer Akzent

File notice. Phone calls: Christoph

File notice. Phone calls: It was one year after the Munich attack. Abou Daoud got caught in Jordan by Jordanian police. They interrogated him. Amongst other things they asked what he knew about the Palestinian murder attack against die Israelian Olympic team in Munich the year before, 1972. Abu Daoud answered he knew quite a bit but not from personal first hand experience. He said it was one of his comrades who told him lots of insights. He claimed that there were two other PLO leaders who had come to Germany to prepare everything. But no one amongst the investigators, not in Jordan, not in Germany, just nowhere, believed this – for several reason. Firstly, Abu Daoud was recognized by lots of people during his travels in Germany without any doubt. Secondly, his statement was so detailed that all investigators concluded he must have experienced all this in person. I found his testimony within classified files. The interrogation was in arabic, then translated in English and then in German. The quality of the English translation stored in the Munich state archive is so poor that it is virtually not usable. There are pages where you cannot recognize a single word. So I referred to the German translation which was typed. The archived copy is much better readable. What now follows is my translation back to English. And I promise – there is suspense in what Abu Daoud told the Jordan interrogators.

File notice. Phone calls: Abu Daud

File notice. Phone calls: To finalize the operation ABU AYAD asked me for my Iraqi passport, issued to the name of Saad El Bin Walli, because there was a German entry visa into this passport.

File notice. Phone calls: Christoph

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony:

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: Abu Daud

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: In fact, Fachri el Amari flew to Munich.

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: Christoph

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: Which is a lie, again. In reality it was Abu Daoud himself who flew to Munich. Abou Daoud just pretends that Fachri el Amari did that trip instead of him.

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: Abu Daud

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: In Munich Fachri el Amari tried to get into the Olympic village and look around but failed. He was forced to acquire another person for aid. He called Mohamed Musalha in Libya to come to join him because he knew several languages as German und as well, because he served as an architect for construction of the Olympic village.

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: Christoph

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: Got the point? Abu Daoud fails to spy out the Olympic village in person. But hey, he had a comrade now living in Libya who was an architect and – unbelievable but true – was part of the team that constructed the Olympic village. What a coincidence! This Mohamed Musalha knew the construction drawings. He spoke German and he knew some of his Munich colleagues who would let him on the premises.

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: Abu Daud

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: I got notice that Mohamed Musalha came from Libya to Munich and that he investigated the Olympic village. It was helpful that he spoke German nd that he knew where to finde the entrances. So he learned that the Israelian delegation was billeted in Block number 36. He also asked for the security measurements, especially for the Block 36 that were located on the opposite to the quarter of the Saudi Arabien delegation that Mohamed Musalha was allowed to enter under the pretext to meet a certain person. The Saudi Arabiens did not know about our operation. They had nothing to do with it. He ha access in his role as an architect. He ensured himself that the construction of the Saudi Arabien quarter was identical to the construction of the Israelian.

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: Christoph

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: This is what Abu Daud testified as he was interrogated by Jordanien investigators in 1973. So what he said is that he flew in this architect vom Libya to Munich to support him planning the murderous terror attack against the Israeli team. What huge luck for the terrorists! So they gathered insights they otherwise never were able to get. They learned that the Saudi quarter’s rooms were of the same cut then those of the Israelis. That was high level spying out a crime spot.

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: Abu Daud

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: Fachri el Amari…

The lie here is that Abu Daoud gave away his passport to a comrade. Truth is that this passport had been used to travel to Germany and as well to register in various hotels in Germany. This is how the alias name Walli Saad landed into German files. Back to Abu Daouds testimony: Christoph

In real: Abu Daoud

In real: Tatsächlich also Abu Daud…

In real: Abu Daud

In real: acquired the arms with Abu Gabon in two steps. The first shipment arrived September, 1st, 1972 and the second on September. 4th, 1972. The arms shipment consisted of 8 quick fire guns and 10 American grenades.

In real: Christoph

So the weapons arrived very shortly before the attack in Munich. They had been deposited in a locker in the Munich central railway station. Abou Daouds testimony about the quick fire arms turned out being correct – more precisely hat been if he said that it were Kalachnikows. The quantity of grenades should be correct as well but it were Belgian not American. Now the question is: How did the arms get into Germany? The answer gives a German ally of Abou Daoud and the Palestinian terrorists. A German neo nazi. It is the man who drove Abou Daoud all thru Germany, from Dortmund to Munich and to other places. The man who filled in all hotel registration forms. His name: Willi Pohl.

So the weapons arrived very shortly before the attack in Munich. They had been deposited in a locker in the Munich central railway station. Abou Daouds testimony about the quick fire arms turned out being correct – more precisely hat been if he said that it were Kalachnikows. The quantity of grenades should be correct as well but it were Belgian not American. Now the question is: Akzent

So the weapons arrived very shortly before the attack in Munich. They had been deposited in a locker in the Munich central railway station. Abou Daouds testimony about the quick fire arms turned out being correct – more precisely hat been if he said that it were Kalachnikows. The quantity of grenades should be correct as well but it were Belgian not American. Now the question is: Aktenstimme

So the weapons arrived very shortly before the attack in Munich. They had been deposited in a locker in the Munich central railway station. Abou Daouds testimony about the quick fire arms turned out being correct – more precisely hat been if he said that it were Kalachnikows. The quantity of grenades should be correct as well but it were Belgian not American. Now the question is: File notice. Munich police department, K K roman three B 1. Final report. Investigation on behalf of the Munich state attorney at the Munich Country Court number 1.

So the weapons arrived very shortly before the attack in Munich. They had been deposited in a locker in the Munich central railway station. Abou Daouds testimony about the quick fire arms turned out being correct – more precisely hat been if he said that it were Kalachnikows. The quantity of grenades should be correct as well but it were Belgian not American. Now the question is: Christoph

Just a couple of days after the terror attack agains the Israeli team police forces arrested three men in a Munich apartment. All three were professional criminals and neo nazis. One of them: Willi Pohl.

Just a couple of days after the terror attack agains the Israeli team police forces arrested three men in a Munich apartment. All three were professional criminals and neo nazis. One of them: Aktenstimme

Just a couple of days after the terror attack agains the Israeli team police forces arrested three men in a Munich apartment. All three were professional criminals and neo nazis. One of them: Pohl and a certain Walli Said are suspected to be members of a Palestinian underground organization. They allegedly planned to free Mr. Udo Albrecht, at this time imprisoned in Austria for theft and forgery.

Just a couple of days after the terror attack agains the Israeli team police forces arrested three men in a Munich apartment. All three were professional criminals and neo nazis. One of them: Christoph

In fact, being an attorney was Abu Daouds real profession. And Udo Albrecht was his client. One of the most enigmatic figures within the German neonate scene. Excaped from communist east Germany to the west. Tried to form a neonate Guerilla group following Palestinian example. Travelled to the Middle East, came in touch with Palestinian leaders. Trafficked military vehicles from Germany to Palestinians. Back to the file notice:

In fact, being an attorney was Abu Daouds real profession. And Udo Albrecht was his client. One of the most enigmatic figures within the German neonate scene. Excaped from communist east Germany to the west. Tried to form a neonate Guerilla group following Palestinian example. Travelled to the Middle East, came in touch with Palestinian leaders. Trafficked military vehicles from Germany to Palestinians. Back to the file notice: Aktenstimme

In fact, being an attorney was Abu Daouds real profession. And Udo Albrecht was his client. One of the most enigmatic figures within the German neonate scene. Excaped from communist east Germany to the west. Tried to form a neonate Guerilla group following Palestinian example. Travelled to the Middle East, came in touch with Palestinian leaders. Trafficked military vehicles from Germany to Palestinians. Back to the file notice: Investition of the kidnapping in the Olympic village brings up the name of a certain Walli Saad, known under the name Daoud Audeh Mohamed alias Abou Daoud as being the mastermind behind this attack against the Israeli Olympic team. This Walli Saad is the same person who met Willi Pohl in the beginning of Juli, 1972 in Dortmund. Walli Saad resided in various hotels in Dortmund and Munich from end of July until early September. Evidence was brought that it was always the same person Walli Saad through passport photographs presented to the staffers of the hotels and through and a graphological expertise of the hotel registration forms.

In fact, being an attorney was Abu Daouds real profession. And Udo Albrecht was his client. One of the most enigmatic figures within the German neonate scene. Excaped from communist east Germany to the west. Tried to form a neonate Guerilla group following Palestinian example. Travelled to the Middle East, came in touch with Palestinian leaders. Trafficked military vehicles from Germany to Palestinians. Back to the file notice: Christoph

This is how the graphological expertise was conducted: Police confiscated hand writing samples from Willi Pohl and also all registration forms on behalf of Abu Daoud from all hotels known. All these writings have been reviewed by an graphological expert within the central bureau of investigation of Bavaria. The result: The hand writing was all of the same hand, and that was Willi Pohl’s hand. So Abou Daoud was not alone when he checked in into the hotels in Dortmund and Munich. Willi Pohl always was with him. And it was then this Willi Pohl who uncovered how the weapons used for the terror attack agains Olympic team Israel came to Germany. He said that ten years ago in public. The weapons had been brought vom Libya to Palma de Mallorca. There, so said Pohl, had been a so called people’s office of Muammar al Gadafis state. The Palestinians have had access to this depot. Pohl obviously knew what he was talking about. When the police raided his apparent they found Kalachnikows and hand grenades – both of the same make then the weapons used by the Palestine terrorists when they assaulted the Israeli team.

This is how the graphological expertise was conducted: 1972-Thema Moll

This is how the graphological expertise was conducted: Christoph

Did you notice it as well as I did? Lot’s of mentions of Libya in this episode. Abu Daoud phoning to a Libyan phone number. A number which has been found in the notebook of Willi Pohl as well. Abu Daoud living in Libyas capital Tripolis for a while. Arms coming from Libya. The architect Mohamed Musalha traveling from Libya to Munich to spy out the Olympic village. Lot’s of Libya. Lot’s of Tripolis. So what is this? Just coincidence? Or does Libya play a special role into this crime? There is one other thing to be mentioned: The terrorists had lots of money. Abu Daoud traveling around for at least two months. Tickets for ship passages, train rides and flights for the operational soldiers. The trips Issa und Tony undertook between Beirut, Amman, Damascus and Munich. Hotel accomodation. Cost for communication and phoning. The pretentious Tony showing-off he inherited a fortune. Where came all this from?

Did you notice it as well as I did? Lot’s of mentions of Libya in this episode. Abu Daoud phoning to a Libyan phone number. A number which has been found in the notebook of Willi Pohl as well. Abu Daoud living in Libyas capital Tripolis for a while. Arms coming from Libya. The architect Mohamed Musalha traveling from Libya to Munich to spy out the Olympic village. Lot’s of Libya. Lot’s of Tripolis. So what is this? Just coincidence? Or does Libya play a special role into this crime? There is one other thing to be mentioned: Akzent

Did you notice it as well as I did? Lot’s of mentions of Libya in this episode. Abu Daoud phoning to a Libyan phone number. A number which has been found in the notebook of Willi Pohl as well. Abu Daoud living in Libyas capital Tripolis for a while. Arms coming from Libya. The architect Mohamed Musalha traveling from Libya to Munich to spy out the Olympic village. Lot’s of Libya. Lot’s of Tripolis. So what is this? Just coincidence? Or does Libya play a special role into this crime? There is one other thing to be mentioned: Christoph

Maybe Ankie Spitzer knows the answer, the widow of fencer André Spitzer. Ankie works as a journalist for the Dutch and Belgian television. As a journalist she was able to interview prominent Palestinian leaders. Amongst them: Yassir Arafat and his present successor Mahmut Abbas alias Abu Mazen. Abbas, and this now gets important, used to be Arafats finance minister. He knew where the money came from and to where it went. Ankie Spitzer when working as a journalist uses another name to not mix up her roles as the wife of one of the killed athletes an her journalistic duties. The Palestinians didn’t know about her full identity and maybe still don’t know although she isn’t separating her roles as consequently as she did over previous years. In the following she uncovers how she spoke with Mahmud Abbas about the financing of the Munich attack in 1972. She gave me permission to disclose this never before published information.

Maybe Ankie Spitzer knows the answer, the widow of fencer André Spitzer. Ankie works as a journalist for the Dutch and Belgian television. As a journalist she was able to interview prominent Palestinian leaders. Amongst them: Ankie (Ohne Overvoice)

Maybe Ankie Spitzer knows the answer, the widow of fencer André Spitzer. Ankie works as a journalist for the Dutch and Belgian television. As a journalist she was able to interview prominent Palestinian leaders. Amongst them: 44_Ankie_Q Libya.mp302’22

Maybe Ankie Spitzer knows the answer, the widow of fencer André Spitzer. Ankie works as a journalist for the Dutch and Belgian television. As a journalist she was able to interview prominent Palestinian leaders. Amongst them: Christoph

Maybe Ankie Spitzer knows the answer, the widow of fencer André Spitzer. Ankie works as a journalist for the Dutch and Belgian television. As a journalist she was able to interview prominent Palestinian leaders. Amongst them: Hatten Sie je den Eindruck, dass Leute wie Arafat selber mit dem Anschlag zu tun gehabt haben?

Maybe Ankie Spitzer knows the answer, the widow of fencer André Spitzer. Ankie works as a journalist for the Dutch and Belgian television. As a journalist she was able to interview prominent Palestinian leaders. Amongst them: Ankie

Ja klar doch. Arafat wusste genau über alle Aktionen des Schwarzen September Bescheid. Er hat nicht selber gekämpft oder Leute getötet. Aber er wusste es. Ohne sein Wissen wäre das nicht möglich gewesen. Mahmut Abbas, der heutige Präsident, er war der Finanzminister der ganzen Aktion. Er steckte da tief drin. Er beschaffte das Geld. So. Also: Eines Tages habe ich was gemacht, was eigentlich gegen journalistische Ethik ist. Ich habe ihn interviewt. Er war alt, ich war alt. Wir saßen auf einem Sofa und ich interviewte ihn zu anderen Themen. Dann habe ich ihn gefragt, also, da war ja dieser Angriff, wo war das gleich noch, irgendwo in Deutschland – ich habe ihm vorgespielt, als müsse ich darüber nachdenken. Haben Sie das finanziert? Er meinte: Schalten Sie mal die Kamera aus. Ich habe meinem Kameramann ein Zeichen gegeben, dass er die Kamera abschalten soll. Dann sagte er, ja, also, wir haben Geld für unsere Kampf bekommen, für unsere Unabhängigkeit und so weiter. Ich wollte wissen, wo das Geld her war. Wer waren die Leute, die das Geld bezahlt haben? Also sagte ich zu ihm, schau, woher haben Sie das Geld? Er sagte: Sie dürfen drei Mal raten. Und ich frage zurück: Und Sie antworten ehrlich? Er sagte ja. Okay. Ich sagte: Ihr hattet das Geld von Saudi-Arabien. Er schüttelte den Kopf – nein. Das war verrückt, wie ein Ratespiel im Büro des palästinensischen Präsidenten! Dann sagte ich: Ihr hattet das Geld von Ägypten. Er sagte: Nein. Und dann sagte ich: Ihr habt das Geld von Libyen. Und dann nickte er mit dem Kopf – ja.

Ja klar doch. Arafat wusste genau über alle Aktionen des Schwarzen September Bescheid. Er hat nicht selber gekämpft oder Leute getötet. Aber er wusste es. Ohne sein Wissen wäre das nicht möglich gewesen. Mahmut Abbas, der heutige Präsident, er war der Finanzminister der ganzen Aktion. Er steckte da tief drin. Er beschaffte das Geld. So. Also: Christoph

Ja klar doch. Arafat wusste genau über alle Aktionen des Schwarzen September Bescheid. Er hat nicht selber gekämpft oder Leute getötet. Aber er wusste es. Ohne sein Wissen wäre das nicht möglich gewesen. Mahmut Abbas, der heutige Präsident, er war der Finanzminister der ganzen Aktion. Er steckte da tief drin. Er beschaffte das Geld. So. Also: I tried to confront Abbas about this through the Palestinian Office in Berlin. To ask if this really happened - my question went unanswered. [...]

What remains is the statement of Ankie Spitzer. It is the first time that she tells this incident. It is no proof, but it fits just perfectly: The Libya of Muammar El Gaddafi as potent financier for terror against Israel. This fits just perfectly and even the more and better when it comes to the very end of this 54 days after the killing of the Israeli athletes in Munich and Fürstenfeldbruck. This is what I will report about in a later episode.

What remains is the statement of Ankie Spitzer. It is the first time that she tells this incident. It is no proof, but it fits just perfectly: Akzent

What remains is the statement of Ankie Spitzer. It is the first time that she tells this incident. It is no proof, but it fits just perfectly: Christoph

What remains is the statement of Ankie Spitzer. It is the first time that she tells this incident. It is no proof, but it fits just perfectly: Willi Pohl and two of his companions were in court due to their supporting Abou Daoud and the terrorist who assaulted the Israeli team. One and a half year after he was sentenced to two years and four months prison for illegal arms possession. A gentle verdict. And it was never executed. Pohl was released after a couple of days behind bars. And strangely the verdict was erased from the central federal register of Germany. As if Germany had no interest in talking about this massacre against the Israeli athletes in Munich any more.

What remains is the statement of Ankie Spitzer. It is the first time that she tells this incident. It is no proof, but it fits just perfectly: 1972-Thema in Moll

What remains is the statement of Ankie Spitzer. It is the first time that she tells this incident. It is no proof, but it fits just perfectly: Christoph

The youngest victim of the murderous attack against the Israeli team was only 18 years old. A wrestler, who had been nominated for the Olympics just last minute. Who had been migrating from communist Soviet Union to Israel shortly before. Who came from Minsk, today the capital of Belarus. His name: Mark Slavin.When I was in in Israel I met his sister due to a fantastic coincidence. This is what I will tell within the next episode. This and the story of the life of Mark Slavin.

The youngest victim of the murderous attack against the Israeli team was only 18 years old. A wrestler, who had been nominated for the Olympics just last minute. Who had been migrating from communist Soviet Union to Israel shortly before. Who came from Minsk, today the capital of Belarus. His name: STINGER

The youngest victim of the murderous attack against the Israeli team was only 18 years old. A wrestler, who had been nominated for the Olympics just last minute. Who had been migrating from communist Soviet Union to Israel shortly before. Who came from Minsk, today the capital of Belarus. His name: You like this podcast? Consider writing a review, sharing it with your friends or clicking like or full five stars. You feel you have something to contribute? Contact me via email to

The youngest victim of the murderous attack against the Israeli team was only 18 years old. A wrestler, who had been nominated for the Olympics just last minute. Who had been migrating from communist Soviet Union to Israel shortly before. Who came from Minsk, today the capital of Belarus. His name: CLOSER

The youngest victim of the murderous attack against the Israeli team was only 18 years old. A wrestler, who had been nominated for the Olympics just last minute. Who had been migrating from communist Soviet Union to Israel shortly before. Who came from Minsk, today the capital of Belarus. His name: OUTRO

The youngest victim of the murderous attack against the Israeli team was only 18 years old. A wrestler, who had been nominated for the Olympics just last minute. Who had been migrating from communist Soviet Union to Israel shortly before. Who came from Minsk, today the capital of Belarus. His name: VOICE

The youngest victim of the murderous attack against the Israeli team was only 18 years old. A wrestler, who had been nominated for the Olympics just last minute. Who had been migrating from communist Soviet Union to Israel shortly before. Who came from Minsk, today the capital of Belarus. His name: Geheimakte 1972 – 50 Jahre nach dem Olympia-Attentat in München

The youngest victim of the murderous attack against the Israeli team was only 18 years old. A wrestler, who had been nominated for the Olympics just last minute. Who had been migrating from communist Soviet Union to Israel shortly before. Who came from Minsk, today the capital of Belarus. His name: Ein ANTENNE BAYERN Podcast.

Über diesen Podcast

Der True Crime-Podcast der ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP.
Spannende Kriminalfälle, die als aufgeklärt gelten, aber noch immer viele Fragen aufwerfen.
Investigative Recherchen zu Themen, die ganz Deutschland bewegen.

Unsere Reporter recherchieren unnachgiebig, verfolgen neue Spuren und fangen da an, wo andere bereits aufgegeben haben.

Geheimakte - ein Podcast der ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP, ausgezeichnet mit dem deutschen Radiopreis.


The True Crime podcast of ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP.

Thrilling criminal cases that are considered solved, but still raise many questions.
Investigative research on topics that move the whole of Germany.
Our reporters relentlessly investigate, pursue new leads and start where others have already given up.

Geheimakte - an ANTENNE BAYERN GROUP-Podcast, awarded the German Radio Prize.

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